Psychedelic Integration Coaching
What is Psychedelic or Plant Medicine Integration Coaching and why is it important if you're considering using plant medicines?
BEFORE YOU READ ON, please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page.
For you to get the best out of your psychedelic experience, you need to know how to do them, with who, where, what to do before and what to do after you come back "from the other side". Most often the major benefits from journeying with psychedelics do not happen until after the actual journey has already ended. It is during these next moments, days and months that the real life-changing transformations can actually take place - and the resulting changes can be integrated into your everyday life.
I feel seen, heard and uplifted...
" Suvi has the rare ability to be able to listen deeply and hold space for those who have had deep and transformative psychedelic experiences. Every time I have a conversation with Suvi, I feel seen, heard, and uplifted. Suvi is not only a gifted and skilled integration coach, she is a deeply kind and compassionate human being who radiates warmth. I highly recommend Suvi to anyone who is looking to make sense of their psychedelic experiences in a safe,
caring and non-judgmental space. "
A psychedelic Integration Client, Sydney AU
( name cannot be used for legal reasons )

This is where I come in, to your aid. To help you manoeuvre safely through all of these different aspects of it all. To help you in finding the best, legal place and facilitators to do this all with if needed. To help you prepare for your personal experience as well as help you integrate your transformative journey into every day life. To work with you as you unravel the things that came up for you during the experience and help you interpret them more comprehensively, whether it is old trauma, loss of ego lead self, and so on) and understand that it was the mere beginning of the healing journey, where things from your subconscious are brought to the surface to be looked at, not where healing magically happened.
Unless you take time to do your preparation and integration for medicine journeys, the likelihood of you returning back to your "normal" life without much actually changing in the long term is quite likely. And you might find yourself "escaping" from trip to another and never truly transforming your life the way you originally intended.
"If you want to change what is going on around you, change what is going on within you." Billy Cox
Psychedelics or forms of sacred Plant Medicines ( e.g. Ayahuasca, Magic Mushrooms, Peyote, Frog Medicine...) are not new concepts to most of us, either we have tried them or heard of them before, yet they have become an explosive industry in the recent years, beyond the underground movement they used to be known as. People are not simply using these synthetic or organic medicines for recreational use but also for the purposes of true, profound healing and transformation. There have been multitude of new clinical studies and research coming out from reputable sources proving the healing effects of these medicines, especially when it comes to MDMD, Ibogaine and Psilocybin to mention a few.
"These new, encouraging results from clinical studies showing people getting amazing results when having suffered from addictions, PTSD, trauma, anxiety..."
The legality of these varies widely depending on the countries in question, yet in most places they are still considered illegal. These new, encouraging results from clinical studies showing people getting amazing results when having suffered from addictions, PTSD, trauma, anxiety and so on are the driving force in helping legalise some of these medicines in the (hopefully) near future. USA is in the forefront of this wave and future is looking bright. So fingers crossed that will happen sooner rather than later in more and more countries and make them accessable for more people. I have personally felt the healing and transformative force of plant medicine in my own life, and I think it is wonderful more and more people are legally able to access them.
Check out this touching documentary on the benefits of psilocybin called "Exploring the potential of psilocybin therapy" George Goldsmith.
Other gems to check: Fantastic Fungi
by Louie Schwartzberg and Aya Awakenings by Rak Razam.
Before the use of psychedelics, especially Psilocybin, Ayahuasca, Peyote and Ibogane, was traditionally only limited to be offered by trained shamans. Because of their knowledge thorough lineages and having a close relationship with plant medicine, it automatically provided an expert setting, dose and integration practices for transformative experiences to occur.
"This drives many people to feel desperate as their (false "magic moment") expectations are not met, and they end up jumping from one retreat to another to never find the healing they thought would happen..."
Yet due to the new, trendy aspect of these medicines nowadays, done legally or not, there are healing retreats popping up all over the world using psychedelics as a part of their approach and lets face it, their trendy appeal to get people in as well. Or alternatively individuals are sitting (yes, tripsitter is an actual thing) for friends or clients, as well as people simply using these medicines within groups or by themselves. And as mentioned above, all important preparation or integration are not high on the list of priorities and fairly often overlooked all together in most. There are amazing settings out there too, one to mention SYNTHESIS in AMSTERDAM, but sadly most do not fit this description.
This drives many people to feel desperate as their (false "magic moment") expectations are not met, and they end up jumping from one retreat to another to never find the healing they thought would happen by simply sitting with these medicines. And as the effects from a journey begin to fade, they feel the need for another "hit".
"This is why Psychedelic Integration Coaching is important."
For you to have the best possible experience with the psychedelic of your choosing. And even if it feels like the WORST experience during, to have someone to go through it all and get the most profound understanding why the WORST may just have been the most healing experience of your entire life.
I am personally a true believer in psychedelic medicine and their incredible healing powers. When done correctly, with proper support and integration. I've been working between this limited 3D dimension and the spirit world most of my life, even without the use of plant medicine, coaching people in the transformational journey of stripping away all that is not THEM. Tapping back into their true essence as I once did for myself. Yet until my late 30s I hadn't so much as touched pot much less anything else mind altering and expanding, and when the time was right, Psilocybin found me and my life has never been the same.
"Psilocybin found me and my life has never been the same"
That is part of my personal belief when it comes to these medicines, that if you need to force plant medicine into your life, if it feels wrong, it it not the right time for you. But when it is and with which medicine it will be for you, you will know. I myself have had experiences in a "bad" environment and in the ultimate healing environment with these beautiful healing helpers. And with that have the deep understanding on the difference between the two.
I believe that my own core beliefs in the healing powers of these incredible medicines, combined with the deep understanding of energy, spirituality and trauma healing, training in psychospiritual transformation and integration coaching, understanding of shamanic rituals, importance of set, setting, preparation and integration, makes me the perfect non judgemental and supportive partner for you as we build a supportive framework for you to enter into your own journey of deep transformation.
So let's deep dive into your journey together. Before and after entering to the "other side".
Suvi xx

Free 15 min consultation
Before we are ready to work together, first we need to make sure we are a good match. One fo the most important One of the most important aspects in successful coaching of any type, is the trust and compatibility between the coach and client. For the client to get the best out of their sessions and reach the desired outcomes from the coaching relationship. Test the waters so to speak. That is what this FREE 20 min consultation is all about. To give us both a chance to see if we are a good fit for this journey together.
Conducted via phone if you are within AU or WhatsApp if in another country.
15 min FREE

Single 1h/90 min session
This one of session can be used within your medicine journey as you see fit.
Either to go through setting and intention, any concerns you may have before your journey, as a Integration call after your journey or at any point you need extra support.
Conducted via Zoom.
1h / US$166
90 min / US$233

3 x 1h sessions
3 x 90 min sessions
These 3 sessions come on a little lighter price tag than individual ones.
Generally used as 1 session prior your plant medicine journey to help you prep, get rid of any fears or questions and set intentions.
And 2 remaining sessions used to begin to go through your transformative experience and making sense of what came up for you. Begin the actual healing process afterwards and to help you integrate our experience into everyday life.
Conducted via Zoom.
3 x 1h / US$488
3 x 90 min / US$677